Top 10 Signs of Candida Fungal Infection
- Persistent Weight Gain – despite exercise and healthy eating
- Bloated Belly or Bloating with consumption of refined flour or sugar products, like pasta & bread or drinking Alcohol - especially beer
- Cravings for Simple Carbohydrates- sugars, breads, pasta or chocolate etc.
- Feeling Tired or lacking in Vital Energy
- Brain Fog, Poor Memory, Lack of Focus, Difficulty Concentrating, ADD, ADHD.
- Irritability or Mood Swings
- Depressive Feelings or Anxiety
- Itchy Orifices – Ear, Nose, Rectal or Vaginal
- Muscle or Joint Aches or Morning Stiffness
- Loss of Self-Esteem or Self Confidence
Sure Thing –
if you have one of the below symptoms, then it's doubly likely you've got Chronic Candida
Fungal Infections – toenails, fingernails, vaginal etc.
Severe Seasonal Allergies
Suffering from Chronic Fatigue/ Fibromyalgia/ Crohne's Disease etc.
Suffering from any Auto-Immune Disease or Cancer
Suffering from Eczema, Psoriasis, hives or rashes
If you have 3 or more of any of the above issues, then there is probably a 90% chance that you have a Candida Overgrowth Imbalance and would benefit from this being detoxed easily and permanently.
Click here to see the Full list of symptoms