The nature of an opportunistic fungi is to live off of it's host and grab any chance it gets to take over new territory.
With Candida Fungal Infection, it's territory is your body!
And what makes you a gracious host? Toxic Overload and Cellular Inflammation. Both of these problems also lead to more serious chronic illnesses that are associated with Candida.
According to the well respected medical journal, The Townsend Letter: Research has revealed compelling evidence of Candida being a contributing factor in many common illnesses of today. (see lists below) [ ]
Chronic Conditions
Professionals say that Chronic Candida Infection renders on more vulnerable to chronic conditions such as:
Weight Gain
Depression, Anxiety, Aggression
Brain Fog, ADD/ADHD
Fatigue, Lack of Life Force, Loss of Confidence
Achy or Stiff Body
Pre-mature Aging
Skin Conditions & Thrush & Vaginal Infections
What direction your Candida Infestation will take, depends on your own individual constitutional tendencies and a number of other circumstances, such as: diet, stress levels, hormones balance, type and levels toxicity, frequency of antibiotics, nsaids, steroids etc..
Related Diseases
The fact that the underlying causes of Candida, toxicity and inflammation at a cellular level, are left unaddressed, as well as the Candida itself means that eventually, they can lead to many of the common illnesses we are currently facing. Almost all sources state that the list of serious diseases that Candida Overgrowth can lead to is as follows:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Crohn's Disease
Celiac's Disease
Peptic Ulcers
All Auto-Immune Disorders
Undiagnosed by Doctors
Our general practitioners in western medicine are not practiced in identifying the middle stage of Candida Infections - Read Eric Bakker ND's article { }.
What happens is people are living with Chronic Candida Overgrowth and Cellular Inflammation, sometimes for decades, without even knowing it. Many people have believed that if they don't have thrush or vaginal infections or simply if they are a man, then they probably don't have Chronic Candida, so they allow themselves to live with fatigue, poor digestion, depression, weight-gain, cognitive malfunction and so on. But by ignoring the underlying imbalances and letting them fester for years, they are really just inviting "Disease or Illnesses" to manifest later. Then the doctor will step in with a diagnosis of some chronic condition and off to the pharmacy you'll go, still not addressing the underlying condition of cellular level toxicity and ensuing Candida Infection.
But the truth is, it is important to know IF you have cellular inflammation and candida overgrowth and to rid your self of it as soon as you can. Candida Infection is the "canary in the coal mine" or the sign that something bad is going to happen further down the road. It's a sign that your body is approaching the ORANGE ALERT point.
It does not occur on it's own volition. Candida is itself a symptom, a sign that a system of your body is malfunctioning because of toxic burden. The only reason Chronic Candida exists is because some internal regulators in your body failed to maintain the delicate balance of homeostasis of the body and gave way to the fungi. And the source reason those internal regulators failed is almost always TOXICITY of the body and brain tissues in combination with loss of gut integrity.
Root causes lead to long term illness
There are a number of different culprits that a Functional Medicine or Preventative Health Care professional will look for when investigating the "root cause" of the initial breakdown that left your body vulnerable to a Candida Infestation. The most common are: Gut Integrity Compromised, Hormonal Imbalances, Toxicity, Adrenal Imbalance, Blood Sugar Imbalance and pH Imbalances.
When you address the most basic underlying cause of Candida, which is cellular level inflammation and toxicity, then you can resolve the microbial overload. At this point, it finally becomes possible to more effortlessly address these other serious related illness directly.
Of course, this also highlights how it is extremely important for people to remedy a Candida imbalance. Because not only is the Candida itself dangerous, but the combination of it's side effects and the neglect of the imbalances that spawned it, easily work synergistically to damage the body daily and create a greater likelihood of dangerous diseases showing up in the long run.
You can pay for your Health Now.. or your Illness Later! Your life wants you to take action now.